Lets face it.Starting a new website with the hope of achieving a large amount of targeted visitors is a very difficult task. This is mainly due to the fact that one has to go about doing link building in order to gain higher page ranks, which will ultimately result in better search engine rankings, and finally more targeted traffic.Link building is an essential part of website optimisation.Building backlinks to obtain a higher ranking in search engines can be a tedious task if you do not have the knowledge.This however,is only one of the many important components of a successful website.
Other factors include relevant page content, correct optimisation of your meta tags,linking with other websites in the same niche and most importantly, your keywords used.Most people are unfortunately unaware of these important factors which are essential for a websites success.When I started my first commercial based website I was unaware of the many important Search Engine Optimisation techniques mentioned above, and as a result my websites never took off.Only after a while did I realise things such as the importance of linking to other websites in my niche. But how time consuming it was having to search for hours trying to find the right place with little or no luck.
Now there are many software programs out there which claim to help people in search engine optimisation.The question is which one to choose.Factors you should look at include the ability to analyze your competitors' sites, search term popularity of those sites and keywords, how many back links competitors have,keyword analysis as well as where those websites link to.In my experience the answer to all these questions comes from a highly effective program called "Traffic Travis".For those of you who are serious about SEO, this is the one for you.For more information on this program please check out my homepage below.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Top Website Optimisation Software Review
Posted by
Arhan Efha
6:05 PM
Free Website Hosting Vs. Paid Website Hosting Basics
Web site hosting service companies on the Internet permit the user to make their web site accessible through the World Wide Web. There are huge numbers of companies that offer web space on their server for their customers and also offer Internet connectivity in general in a data center. There can be various types of web site hosting companies. The main classification is the free web site hosting and the paid web site hosting service companies.
In case of free web site hosting, the user has the right to upload his or her web site content on the server space that is provided by the web site hosting company without any cost. This type of web site hosting service is great for people who are new to to internet and plan to get familiar with web site creation and functionality of web servers. On the other hand, to get your web site uploaded on a web space that is provided by a paid web site hosting company, you need to pay the company periodic fees. The fee amount may vary from company to company. The paid web site hosting companies are best suited for professional web site owners. People who need large web space to upload their web sites and who expect a certain amount of web site visitors which is restricted on free hosting accounts to a minimum.
The revenue that the paid web hosting service companies get is through the fee that is paid to the company by the web site owners. In case of free web site hosting companies, the main source of income are the ads and banners that can be placed on their clients web pages.
The main advantage of using a free web site hosting service is that they are free of cost and hence make a perfect choice for people who are new into the business and are just looking to start out. They are perfect for people who just want to display a minimum content on the World Wide Web in small amount of web space. The other advantage of using the free web site hosting service is that most of these companies provide integrated, easy tools to upload the pages on to the hosting account. They do this realizing the fact that the free web site hosting services are generally utilized by the newbies.
There are also certain disadvantages of using the free web site hosting services. When using the free web site hosting service, you are forced to place the ads and banners by the web site hosting company on your web pages. Also the revenue that is obtained by the ads goes to the web site company. In case of paid web site hosting service, ads and banners placed on your web site are according to your will and the revenue of the banners and ads placed on your web site goes in your pocket. Also in some case of free web site hosting, the domain name of your web site starts with the web site hosting company name followed by your web site name. This is not the case of paid web site hosting service. You get a unique web site domain. The web space provided by free web site hosting service is limited whereas in case of paid web site hosting service you can buy the web space according to your requirements.
Posted by
Arhan Efha
10:01 AM
Why webmasters should add free games to their websites
Thousands of websites now offer free flash games that webmasters can add to their websites. Many website owners pass up a great opportunity with these games, not understanding their potential.
If you, for example, are creating an informational site aimed at teenagers, you
Posted by
Arhan Efha
1:55 AM
Monday, April 4, 2011
Website Copywriter Tips: Write Web Copy for People not Technology
Every website copywriter faces a trap
Read More......
Posted by
Arhan Efha
5:03 PM
Top 3 Tips researched to get your website on the Top
Tip 1: Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization or SEO is either taken very lightly or taken so consciously that the results are undesirable. Give around 30% of your time to understand what exactly is your business requirements or on what products/services would you get more business. What exactly are you planning to target and what is your Audience? Conduct a market analysis of it and filter our 10 key phrases that best suit your business. If your website is fresh and /or you have just started with your online business, target light-weight (less-researched) key phrases. Go for targeting more of long-tailed key-phrases rather than single key-words. Give proper Title and Meta, appropriate Alt tags. Check your content in relative to your Meta you have kept and see that your page gets easily downloaded.
Tip 2: Link Building
Once you are done with On-page optimization, put your best of efforts to gain as much inbound links you can. There are multiple ways that you can work on to achieve a golden value for your website. At the outset, submit your website URL to 100+ Search Engines and 500+ Quality online directories that give you quality link-backs. Write good relevant articles and submit them into quality Article sites. You may also submit your Press-notes into quality Press-release directories. Put your Ads into free classified directories. You may also go for link-exchange campaigns but Google has stopped giving much weightage to these links.
Tip 3: Social Media
Make a list of quality social networking sites where in you can go and bookmark your important web-pages into these social sites. You may also create your blogs (relevant to your services), post good content on these and make them more interactive for more visitors to visit them. One such good social marketing is posting comments into good blogs or forums and thereby creating a rich link-base. You are sure to get high traction through social media marketing. It may go as high as getting 2000 hits in just 5 days on one single comment posted with a link to our website. It really makes a lot of difference!
Buyers rely heavily upon search and social media for researching products and services.
It is therefore critical that you not only have relevant and detailed content on your website, but you must be showing up where they are searching for you. To do so you must undertake an integrated and comprehensive search and social media marketing effort.
For more information on these and how to rank your website on the top SERPs or if you want us to get your website rank on the top of SERPs, contact us on 201-777-2366 or email your details at kj@semaphore-software.com.
Posted by
Arhan Efha
8:37 AM
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Free Annual Credit Reports - Strategies to Avoid Imposter Websites
In a 2004 amendment to The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), a new system providing free credit reports was initiated. The amendment requires each of the three national Credit Reporting Agencies (CRAs), Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian, to provide free copies of an individual's credit report once every 12 months. The free reports require a request to be submitted to a centralized office, in accordance with procedures defined by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC is charged with consumer protection and ensuring compliance to the FCRA from the Credit Reporting Agencies.
The amendment was undertaken as a way to help individuals access the information contained in their credit reports. Prior to the amendment, credit reporting agencies were able to charge individuals for every copy of their credit report that they requested. Only under specific circumstances, such as searching for employment, were credit reports provided free of charge. This undermined fair access for individual's to access information about them
collected by the CRAs.
Understanding what information is in your credit report is important. Only then can you ensure that the information being reported about you is accurate and up to date. Your credit report impacts your life in many ways, from the ability to obtain credit to the amount of money you will pay for that credit.
Fair access to such important information is critical. The unfortunate reality is that reporting mistakes do happen. Any errors or misinformation contained on a credit report can have a tremendous impact on a person's financial wellbeing, job prospects, and housing prospects.
The amendment mandated the three CRAs to implement a centralized website, toll free number, and mailing address as methods individuals may use to request their free credit reports. Although the centralized website was implemented as a way to offer consumers a quick and easy way to request their reports, it has come under severe criticism by various consumer
protection groups.
There are problems that plague the centralized website annualcreditreport.com. Some of these problems are related to difficulties inherent with the Internet and search engines. Others, some groups claim, are the result of poor planning and implementation on the part of the three Credit Reporting Agencies.
Many of the consumer protection groups, including the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, urge consumers who are unfamiliar with the Internet to avoid using the centralized website to order their free credit reports. They further encourage those who choose to use the website to beware of a number of potential pitfalls the internet, and the website itself, present.
The first problem has to do with the Internet itself. The three Credit Reporting Agencies purchased the website address (also called a URL (uniform resource locator) or domain name) annualcreditreport.com. It is common for unscrupulous webmasters to purchase domain names similar to others, with the goal of intercepting customers or consumers who search for the genuine website. These webmasters purchase domain names very similar to the real domain, and unsuspecting consumers mistakenly believe they've reached the correct website. These consumers are then redirected to paying sites, have their personal information collected without their knowledge, or signed up for services they don't want or need. In this way, unscrupulous webmasters make money.
The FTC calls these websites 'imposter' websites.
Unfortunately, consumer groups and the FTC have reported that some Credit Reporting Agencies are linked to some of these imposter websites. Recently, the FTC filed and settled a lawsuit against a subsidiary of one of the Credit Reporting Agencies. The lawsuit alleged "deceptive and misleading" claims on the subsidiary's website. This website was advertising free credit reports, and then automatically signing up consumers to a credit monitoring system that
charged a fee if not cancelled by the unsuspecting consumer. In addition, the website was collecting personal information about the consumer.
The World Privacy Forum reports that over 100 domain names with close misspellings of annualcreditreport have been purchased. Many of these have been purchased by the Credit Reporting Agencies themselves. In some cases, these websites lead consumers to websites that demand payment for services, and others lead consumers to the Credit Reporting Agencies websites themselves, where they are charged for copies of their credit reports. The second of these is largely the result of the CRA's affiliate marketing programs, whereby the CRA pays a website for a referral.
The second problem with the centralized website lies in its implementation. Initially, the website was set up so that only the 3 CRAs and the FTC were able to provide a live web link to annualcreditreport.com. This prevented other legitimate websites, such as news and consumer group websites, from offering a live link on their website. In response to these concerns raised by Privacyrights.org, this situation has changed. The change is welcome, as
consumer groups correctly pointed out that the initial web link block only served to make it easier for rogue websites to redirect consumers to illegitimate websites.
There are two ways to find these imposter websites. One is to perform a search in any search engine, which results in a display of many websites. Clicking on anything but the genuine website can land a consumer on an imposter website. The other is by incorrectly typing the genuine website address into the address bar of a web browser. Many of these unofficial
websites contain small typographical errors, designed to lure in just such a web surfer.
Avoiding Imposter Websites
Many consumer groups, including World Privacy Watch, urge consumers to avoid potential imposter sites by avoiding the internet altogether. Instead of ordering free credit reports online, use the toll free number or regular mail.
The toll free telephone number is 1-877-322-8228. The mailing address is Annual Credit Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281. If ordering by mail, a form must be completed and can be found on the FTC's website.
Those consumers wanting to order online are urged to:
1) Ensure that they are using the genuine website. The only website address is annualcreditreport.com.
2) If the website you reach features a pop up, advertises itself on television or radio, or redirects you to a different site, know it is not the genuine website. Your credit card number is not required information, and you are not required to purchase or pay for any additional services. The genuine website will not send you any emails.
3) Understand that you are required to provide only certain personal information, including your name, address, social security number, and date of birth. If you have had a change of address in the past 2 years, your old address may be requested. In addition, you may be asked about a personal financial detail that only you would know. This is to prevent anyone else accessing your credit report.
Access to free annual credit reports is a welcome change to the laws governing credit reports and protecting consumer's rights. Every citizen should take advantage of this free service to ensure that the information being reported about them on their credit reports is accurate and up to date. As with any other service, consumers need to be aware of the potential danger that lurks behind the scenes by imposter websites and unscrupulous
Posted by
Arhan Efha
11:52 PM
Little Change That Gave My Website 1st Page In Google, Yahoo, Msn, Aol And Other Top Search Engines.
Today even 6 year old kids know that content is the king of Internet. If you have good and relevant content, search engines will find your site faster, people will visit this site more often, and you will be enjoying targeted traffic.
The most popular strategy to get a wider publicity for your web site content is article submission. Perhaps you already tried this. If not, go to any search engine and submit keyword 'article' or 'article submission', and you will see tons of pages dedicated to articles and their submission.
Like many others, I also tried article submission for my web site, and was effective. But under the harsh article flood on the market today, it is not that easy to get your web site to the top of search engines. I already started to feel blue about article submission, and then it struck my mind...
I can use anchor text with my keywords in the submitted articles!
I tried it, and now I am on the 1st page in Google with over 71,600,000 competing pages!!
For those who do not know what is anchor text I will give a brief explanation.
If you put web site URL in the text, this URL will be clickable. This means when your point mouse to this URL, you can click it and get forwarded to the site page indicated in URL. Perhaps you noticed that sometimes you can see a simple text which is linked to a special URL. The text does not have any http://... in its body, but when you point your mouse to this text, you see that it's linked to URL. Clicking on this text will get you to the page indicated in the URL to which this text is linked.
So, anchor text is a simple text that is linked to URL with the help of HTML code. In other words, anchor text is hyperlinked text.
Anchor text isn't new to Internet marketing at all, and I was really amazed why changing simple http://... in my articles to anchor text got me to the Google top. After asking some questions on Internet marketing forums I got the explanation.
Today most of the search engines count heavily towards ranking of your web site using anchor text. If you use the keyword or keyphrase of your web site as the anchor text and link this text to your web site URL, search engines will gulp this info faster and will rank you higher on this keyword/keyphrase. And now imagine that you have submitted your article with proper anchor text and URL to some article engines - they will distribute it worldwide. You will get hundreds of pages where the anchor text will be increasing your rank for any keyword you put in this anchor text.
In my case, I had many articles that were already submitted to article directories. These articles got indexed by Google, having some PR. I just changed the info in article resource box, i.e. put anchor text instead of simple http://... You see: one little change gave me lots of pages with PR that had my keyword and my URL! Within few days I got on the 1st page in Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, AllTheWeb and AltaVista for my keyword.
It worked for me, it will work for you too.
Surely there are more tiny tips how to squeeze more from anchor text, but disclosing everything in one article isn't smart. Search on this topic, and you will find many useful things to get ranked higher with anchor text strategies.
Posted by
Arhan Efha
2:53 PM
Tips for Generating Leads from Your Website
Getting good leads from your website is the primary target for the website. Still most of the websites does not fulfill the requirements for their owners and resultantly fails to fulfill the expectations. Getting good leads is a procedure, which includes the attentions on some of the very important topics and tips.
Some most important tips and points, which are very necessary in getting leads from your website, are as notified bellow: --
Selecting the customer
Posted by
Arhan Efha
6:11 AM
Saturday, April 2, 2011
What colour combination should I use in my website and how it will help your visitors on the long run
To some people, the more colourful it is the merrier it is. However, in a more general definition of a well balanced website appearance, it is not always the case. Words such as nice, wow or beautiful can be very subjective when it comes to evaluating the appearance of a particular website. For some, a colourful, flashy and bright website can be appealing while a darker theme could be better for others. So the main question now is - how do you go about choosing the right colours for your website?
The biggest and most widely practised concept of web colour implementation is the RYB approach. Being the main three colours, Red (R), Yellow (Y) and Blue (B), hence RYB, these 3 colours are known to have a great impact on how web visitors react and interpret messages on your webpages. You'll realize that most of the links on the web are underlined in a default blue. Error messages are usually in red. Yellow provides a nice light addition which compliments dark backgrounds really well. Orange (red + yellow) texts for example is extremely popular with black backgrounds. Try it and you know why. Take a look at www.microsoft.com for example. It has an excellent application of the primary and secondary colours together with the support of black and white. Apply this technique to your web designs and you'll improve the overall layout appearance significantly, if not greatly.
Different classification of websites require different approach. In most cases, you don't want to have a corporate website with a black or any extremely dark background. Apparently a white background seems to signify formality and a certain level of layout cleanliness. Not that a dark background can't have a clean cut look, it is just a typical mental translation of human observation that the colour white is in fact the cleaner one or simply easier on the eyes. Black background in the other hand, frequently portrays something which is fancy, elegant, playful yet has a reasonable level of seriousness in it.
A majority of designers or rather webpage creators believe the role of emphasization by utilizing light and dark colours. For example, a dark background combined with a light content area, simply attracts visitors to emphasize more in the middle, which happens to be the content area. It simple works too if you have a light coloured background with a dark content area. Alternatively you can add patterns or images into the background to spice things up. Just don't get these additional items to change the original apperance of your colours. The only issue with background with exceptionally large images is that it might kill some of the attention that you want your visitors to have on your main content.
There's nothing wrong with having a website with either a light or dark background, provided that it looks good, and of course if it is nicely presented together with a readable content with a friendly user interface. How do you know if it looks good is simply something that can't be measured by words, but rather by simply looking at it. If you look at it and by some spontaneous self agreement, that you think the colour fits perfectly with everything else, then you've hit the big jackpot. If it works otherwise, and you just feel like there's something wrong, play around with the colours till you have that comforting feeling that you've done a great job.
You might be thinking right now, which colour goes with which colour? You can either browse all over the net, looking at websites and noting down good combination of colours as you go or you can simply go to http://www.colormatch.dk. This website is extremely simple and easy to use, yet very powerful in terms of features. Simple and straightforward, you simply choose one dominant colour for your website and it'll simply chooses for you 6 other colours which compliments your main colour, together with the colour codes. Simple as 1-2-3. Note that colormatch.dk only works in Internet Explorer browsers. Try googling for colormatch and get enhanced and modified versions of the original.
Additionally, always try not to get your website too dark or too bright. You can use either one or both of them at the same time, but not too excessively, and try to find a supporting colour which compliments or enhances your initial choice. Try to balance up usage of colour tones all over your website too. If you think that the upper right of your website is too bright compared to the rest of your page, then either you reduce the brightness to equal the overall layout or simply brighten up the rest of the website, in a controlled manner of course. If you're adventurous, replicate that bright top right area to the bottom right area, making the right area somewhat a "bright coloured zone". The key point here is to maintain the balance of your colour usage. You don't want to drive a car with one of the door being slightly and yet obviously darker or lighter.
Lastly but not least, try to limit the number of colours to a reasonable amount. 2 to 4 are good amount of colours, not counting black and white. Black and white are just simply too important to not to be used. If you really need to use extra colours, try to use a darker or lighter version of your main colours. If your main colour is red, wine red, crimson or even maroon are good alternatives. Even certain tone of brown could actually look like red sometimes. Try to "recolour" your graphics or get some graphics which tally with your overall selection of colours.
Another good concept to follow is to apply a colour scheme according to your logo. If you logo has orange and black for example, try to enhance that colour by applying those same colours as well as the same colours with different tones throughout your whole website. Some designers even select their colours based on the pre selected images they have for their website. Certain images are just tend to be too exceptionally perfect to be omitted, thus explaining such occurrences.
I hope this guide will help you to get your colours right and have a better understanding of what to choose and what not to do in any of your future web design works. Nevertheless, try not to limit your creativity and imagination based solely on this article. Get your ideas flowing and experiment with your ideas constantly. Good luck!
Posted by
Arhan Efha
9:53 PM
Eight tips to create a search engine friendly website
Every website needs traffic. It is not possible for a website to continue for long period without attracting enough traffic. The basic aim behind search engine optimization (SEO) is to give enough popularity to the websites and thereby to attract required traffic. Every webmaster wants his site to be search engine friendly, at the same time attractive to the human eyes too. If a website is ranked at the top positions in the search engine ranking the possibility of attracting visitors is more when compared with that of websites having lower rankings.
So the basic thing is to create websites that are search engine friendly. Creating a search engine friendly website is not a daunting task, but it has to take some efforts. This article gives an insight on the points that have to be remembered for creating a search engine friendly website.
Tip #1: Proper selection of domain name and layout
The domain name of your is of great significance. Search bots give special importance to the site name besides that the visitors can also get a rough idea of what they can expect when they look at the domain name. The layout of the site also has to be done with great care. The site should have a perfect linking structure and can have all the main links directly from the homepage.
Tip #2: Creating a directory structure
All sites except small ones will have a directory structure. You have to plan a directory structure before building the site at the same time bear in mind that the directories that lie too deep are very difficult to scan. Proper care should be taken for naming of directories; it should be named on the basis of the content.
Tip #3 Remove frames
Search bots find it difficult to search the sites that use frames. So it is always good not to use frames. In case your website use frames be sure to make use of no frames tags so that the search bots can crawl the sites and get requited information easily. This will definitely help in improving the ranking.
Tip #4: Make use of external CSS style sheets
Making use of external style sheets is considered as a great idea because it reduces the overall complexity of the site. This ensures efficient crawling by search engines. So make sure to include CSS files in your site. If possible making use of CSS tables would be a better idea than traditional tables.
Tip #5: Forming and naming of files
The names of the file can be based on title tags which is normally the most important keyword. This also helps in better search engine position of those keywords.
Tip #6: Hosting of the site
Selecting a hosting provider who offers 99% uptime guarantee ensures that your site will be reachable to spiders all times. Also make sure that you
Posted by
Arhan Efha
1:05 PM
Top 7 Powerful Linking Techniques That Rocket Your Website To The Top
Webmasters put in a tremendous amount of effort to increase the Link Popularity and Page Rank of their Websites. To succeed in your efforts you have to find ways and means of getting the links the Search Engines love and not links which can even be detrimental to your very efforts to increase link popularity. In fact obtaining links from certain sites can even get your website penalized.
Once you know the links the Search Engines love and appreciate you can concentrate all your efforts to obtain those links. Let us see what these links are.
1. If you have unique content and excellent resources in your website, other websites will link to your site, thereby giving you a one-way inbound link which is much appreciated by the search engines. Search Engines and visitors also like fresh content so updating it regularly enhances the popularity of your site even further.
Again if the site linking to your site is relevant to your site and is of high PR, then the search engines will give high weightage to that link. So it is quality and not quantity that matters.
2. The craze today to increase link popularity is to write articles and submit them to Article Directories, Article Distributors and Article Banks. This is a great way to obtain one-way inbound links through your embedded link in the Resource Box of your article. These articles are again published by webmasters who are in the look out for good content to enhance the quality of their websites thus creating a viral effect. This is a great way to increase link popularity.
Good quality articles displaying your expertise have every possibility of being published by authoritative sites thereby giving a quality link and good traffic as well. To obtain the maximum benefit from these inbound links, you should ensure that wherever possible your link is an Anchor text with one of your keywords in it.
3. It is often been said in recent times that Reciprocal Linking is dead. This is not quite true. It is known that Search Engines do not appreciate reciprocal links if your site depends solely on reciprocal links. This is because search engines have found out that there are dubious methods of obtaining links to increase link popularity. Search Engines do appreciate reciprocal links if you exchange links with relevant quality websites. Rather than linking with several high ranking irrelevant websites, it is better to obtain reciprocal links from a few relevant sites of quality, which will indeed be valuable back links.
4. Search Engines recognize and do appreciate links from good quality Directories. Hence to increase link popularity and page rank, you have to submit your site to these directories. There are both free and paid submission directories.
There are also good secondary Search Engine friendly directories where you can list your site for free, by paying a fee or by providing a reciprocal link.
5. Another method of obtaining a One-way Inbound link is to offer to write testimonials of products you have successfully tested or used and requesting the vendor to allow you to have a link back from the testimonial to your website.
6. Writing and releasing press releases on a regular basis whenever there are new promotions or major changes in your business can also be a source of good links and traffic too.
7. Participating in Discussion Forums especially in your area of expertise and including your link in the signature; posting useful and interesting comments in Blogs along with your URL, are ways of obtaining one-way links that will increase link popularity.
Successful implementation of these techniques will bring you the rewards you have been dreaming of, such as a high page rank, a surge in traffic and a tremendous increase in sales that will leave your competitors behind.
Posted by
Arhan Efha
4:32 AM
Friday, April 1, 2011
Free And Low Cost Ways To Market Your Website
So you've got a product or service, but no money to market it with? Well, a lack of capital will make marketing a lot harder be it can certainly be done.
If you are trying to market your website for free, don't try every hyped up free advertising method that you see. Most of them don't work. The best free methods are the simple ones that just require some work. :-)
Posted by
Arhan Efha
7:36 PM
Creating Website Content In The Form Of How-to Video
Information is the basis of the internet. It can be in various formats, from news, updates to commentary. Nowadays more and more webmasters have realized the importance of providing useful information on their websites. They start creating how-to articles which are usually written in steps. They know that visitors love articles which are written in such format. However, for some people, writing articles is a tedious job. It may be easier and more fun for them to create how-to videos. Moreover, there are many people who prefer watching over reading.
When it comes to making a video, there are individuals who are unsure what their video should be about. The good news is how-to video is one of the most easiest types of videos to make. Just be sure that each step is presented in the proper order so the viewers will not be confused. If needed, add warning on safety, unusual terms and some additional explanations on the video. Also do not forget to let the viewers know what the project entails in the introduction.
Before making your video, it is highly recommended to familiarize yourself with the type of contents which are allowed by your web hosting service. Most web hosting services prohibit their members to publish videos containing violence or threatening materials. You should be able to find the rules on the website of the hosting provider that you are using.
Once you have determined what is acceptable video content and what is not, you should be able to start developing ideas. Once again, when it comes to making a how-to video, you will be showing internet users how to do something. It should be related with the topic of your website. Just create a how-to video on something that you can explain in as little as a few minutes. For instance, you may want to create a video about how to cook a particular food or how to change your car's oil.
To do this, you will need a standard video recording device. Camcorder is a device which is specially designed for recording purposes. Webcam can also be used. However it is not easy to extend the physical distance between your PC and web camera. Many cellphones and digital cameras have video recording capabilities. Just choose the one which also supports sound recording and enables you to expand the memory.
Depending on the topic of your website, you may also create a screen-captured video. This is accomplished by using a software that enables you to record your desktop activity. For example, you could create a "how to" video that teaches others to draw a car using MS Paint in several minutes. Your visitors will feel that they are sitting next to you and looking at your desktop. This is another easy way to make how-to videos.
Another important thing to do is to convert your video so that it can be viewed online without taking too much data transfer. Many web hosting providers support video formats like Windows Media, RealVideo and QuickTime. You may also choose to upload your video to sites like YouTube and then use the special code given to embed the video on your website.
Creating content for your website in the form of how-to video is a great way to give your visitors something useful. Anyone can create stunning videos, from multimedia tutorials and step-by-step presentations. Nowadays people are starting to rely more heavily on the internet. By providing useful tips with videos people will be more likely to recommend you to others.
Posted by
Arhan Efha
11:28 AM
Ten Tips For Finding The Best Bead Jewelry Supply Websites
Boy do I spend a lot of time shopping for and buying beads on the internet. My husband would say way TOO much time! Compared to shopping at my local craft stores, I just love the unbelievable variety of beads available on the internet.
If you
Posted by
Arhan Efha
2:33 AM
Thursday, March 31, 2011
How Many Links Should I Have To Point At My Website?
Using links as a way to get your search engine ranking high is a good thing. The question that many people ask, though, is just how many links should you have in order to have this happen? Can you have too many? Link marketing is the use of links to build traffic to your website as well as to build your search engine ranking. These things go hand in hand. If you want to increase your search engine rank, work on your links.
But, How Much?
There is no real set number. It's not having ten or twenty or even having a 100. It is more about having the right type of links coming to your website. For example, you need to consider both reciprocal links as well as those that are one way links. One way links generate traffic to your site without luring someone away with additional links on your website. Reciprocal links, when placed correctly and used in the right overall manner can help as well.
Beyond this, you will want to work with having good quality links. The links should be related in some way to your website. For many this will mean finding webmasters that offers similar, but not the same content as your site. If you are in the market of refurbishing homes, you may want to have links at your site that are not directly related but indirectly. Here, you could have a roof specialist listed.
As far as how many links you should have pointing to your website, the best number to go with is as many as you can. Make sure that they are solid, well researched links, not something that is inexpensively purchased. Make sure they provide for both reciprocal and one way links. Use them correctly and your business really can benefit from them.
Posted by
Arhan Efha
9:10 AM
Top 10 Online Poker Websites
When it comes to playing poker online you are probably amazed at how many online poker websites really exist and don
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Posted by
Arhan Efha
1:01 AM
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tips For a Successful Website !
The first mantra to a successful website is its download speed. According to a study, you have only 30 seconds to capture your visitor
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Posted by
Arhan Efha
4:16 PM
How do I get SSL Certificates for my website?
How can we process transactions securely on the web? Any safe transaction should happen between the customer and the web site in a manner that no one can read or intercept the transaction details. To enable this fast transaction SSL, other wise called as secure sockets layer is very useful. This program works through the encryption routines and programs that are found on the web host and browser.
Many might ask
Posted by
Arhan Efha
8:08 AM
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Selling your Art Online - Website Tips For Artists
If you plan to sell your art online with your own unique website, my advice is simple: Be Different! There are hundreds of artist websites online today that are all making the same mistakes.
The first problem I would like to note, is the use of long multimedia presentations that artists are incorporating into their websites. I don't think there is anything more frustrating then arriving at a website and waiting for this huge multimedia presentation to download and play. The artist may think it's cool or adds something to their work, but in all actuality, it only frustrates impatient surfers. Not all Internet users have super fast cable or DSL connections. Many are still using dial up modems and if they have to wait for something to download, they will simply leave and visit your competition.
There are also sites that insist on putting unrelated banner ads or other unrelated advertising on their websites. Just the other day I was doing a search for original watercolor art. The first website I arrived at had a big banner at the top of the website advertising a dating site. I am not sure how dating is related to watercolors? This is simply a distraction and you are immediately sending visitors off your website. If you are going to advertise on your website, make sure it's related to the theme of your website and is helpful to your visitors. Do not make it the very first thing they see when they arrive at your home page.
You need to catch your visitor's attention right away. This means putting your most important information near the top of your website in plain view. Your goal is to draw your visitor into your site immediately with a compelling headline so that they stay long enough to check out what you have to offer. Once you draw them in with a good headline, you must then direct them to take an action. That could be to subscribe to your newsletter, or to check out your latest product(s).
Keep your site navigation consistent throughout your entire site. This means having the same navigation links in the same order on every page of your website. Your goal is to make it as easy as possible for your visitors to get from one place to the next, not to confuse them.
Make sure your visitors can easily contact you. Put a link to a contact page on every page of your site.
If you have testimonials, use them. Testimonials are awesome sales tools. People love to hear good reviews about a product or products they are about to purchase. It really does boost sales. If you have ever received testimonials from customers, highlight a few of them on your home page in clear view. If you do not have testimonials yet, contact people that have purchased from you in the past and ask if they could provide feedback on the product they purchased for inclusion on your website. Make sure they know how you plan to use their testimonial, and ask if you can site their name with the testimonial.
Start an opt-in newsletter. If you do not already have a method for collecting your visitors email addresses, then you may be losing sales. Many people who first come to your site will usually leave without making a purchase. It is important therefore to collect as many email addresses as possible so that you can follow up with your visitors. You could send out an announcement to your list of subscribers whenever you have a new piece for sale. If you regularly attend art or craft shows, you could send out an email and let your subscribers know when and where. You could also send out surveys or questionnaires to your list to get a better idea as to the type of products they are interested in purchasing.
Make certain that you have a variety of different payment options for your customers, especially payment by credit card. Studies have shown that sites, which accept credit card payments, have significantly more sales. Use a service like PayPal to accept credit cards from your website. It's free and easy to setup.
Make sure you have detailed purchasing and shipping instructions in place.
Have a good refund policy. When your customer receives your product, it may not be exactly what they anticipated. By having a good refund policy upfront, you will gain your customers trust and they will be more comfortable making a purchase, especially if they are parting with a lot of money.
Include a "Privacy Policy". Internet users are a paranoid bunch. People are still somewhat reluctant to part with personal information, so it is your job to make them feel at ease when they use your website. In a nutshell, a privacy policy clearly states what you do with users personal information. What kind of information do you collect from your visitors? What do you do with that information? Do you share it with anyone? If you are not sure how to create a privacy policy, visit the following website to access an easy to use Privacy Policy Generator: http://www.the-dma.org/privacy/creating.shtml
Include a "Terms of Use" section. This section outlines the terms and conditions for using your website. For instance, you probably want to restrict visitors from copying or reproducing the images on your website. You would put that in your Terms of Use section.
When adding images of your products, always use thumbnails that can be clicked to show a larger image, so that your pages download quickly. If the larger image is a big file, let the visitor know that they may have to wait for the picture to load.
Avoid putting traffic counters on your site. Counters make your site appear amateurish. If your site is fairly new, and your traffic is not yet established, you are broadcasting this to everyone that arrives at your site. If you need to track your website statistics, check with your hosting company. You may already have a good website statistics program included.
Choose a basic color scheme and only one or two different fonts. If you go overboard on color and use too many different fonts, your site will look out of balance and amateurish. Your website does not have to be a work of art. You are trying to sell your art, not your website.
Use a light background, preferably white, with dark text, preferably black. Don't use images or textures for your background. This makes it difficult for your visitor to read the text on your site.
Avoid adding music to your site. You may think it sounds nice to include your favorite songs when your page loads, but not everyone will agree. If they find the music annoying, they will leave.
Don't make your visitor have to scroll horizontally to view information on your website. Web surfers are lazy. Most hate to even scroll up and down let alone left and right.
Avoid animated graphics and scrolling or flashing text. This only distracts your visitors.
Put prices on all of your products. If people have to contact you to find out the price of something, they will more often than not leave and look elsewhere.
Make sure your site works in all the major browsers. The most popular browser today is Internet Explorer, but there are a good amount of surfers who use Netscape, Opera, and Firefox. Check out http://www.anybrowser.com/siteviewer.html. They have a great tool that enables you to see what your site looks like in various browsers.
Lastly, make your website personal. Speak to your visitors. Let them know who you are and what your art or craft is all about. Educate and enlighten. Include a step-by-step article or demonstration on how your work is created. If people have more of a connection with you and your art, they will be more comfortable buying from you.
I hope these website tips have helped. I wish you the best of luck in everything that you do. God Bless!
Posted by
Arhan Efha
11:53 PM
"The moment you think of buying a Web Hosting Plan, you know one thing
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Posted by
Arhan Efha
2:55 PM
How Do Online Websites Help You Control Credit Card Debt?
One of the good things about credit cards is that they help you pay for things when you need them even if you do not have enough money to pay for them. However, few people compulsively use their credits cards even when they do not need to. Additionally, it may not be a very pleasant when you get the bill. In such situations you need to get external advice on managing your finances. Call Customer Service Numbers: There are many options available that can help you get credit card counselling to manage your debt. One of the easy methods to take care of high interest rates and increasing balances is to call the customer service number of your credit card company. You can ask the customer service if you can get your payment amount and interest rate lowered. They can tell you within minutes whether you are eligible for the service or not.
Get help online
You can also get online help to control your credit card debt. Many websites available help you get loans that have lower interest rates to consolidate your credit card debts. These sites can also provide counselling in getting your debts under control and getting your life back. Few websites provide you with information related to books and tapes that provide advice to help you in eliminating your credit card debt. There are certain websites that enable you to buy these books and tapes online. Some websites go a step ahead and enable you to converse with people live. These people can walk you through the steps to manage your credit card debts and bring them under control.
Credit card counselling
You can choose to get credit card counselling to help you control your credit card debts and get your credit card score back on top. To get credit card counselling you can choose to either get online or in person help. The credit card counsellors help you understand your mistakes and provide solutions to make your situation better. The counsellors can also meet with your current creditors and try to get your interest rates and even your payment amount lowered. Free credit counselling: Credit card counselling is usually offered for a little fee or even free of cost. All you need is to be ready with all the information related to you and a list of your debt amounts and all your creditors. The counsellors will work with you and your creditors and try to help your control and decrease your debts amount gradually.
Posted by
Arhan Efha
6:27 AM
Monday, March 28, 2011
Website Copywriter Tips: Web Copy Sabotage
How does your personality affect your web copy? Whether you mean to or not, your site reflects you in ways you might not notice: sometimes good, sometimes bad. While personality peccadilloes can be endearing in social situations, minor personality flaws can cause web copy sabotage. So before you get out your keyboard, get out a mirror.
Why not see if any of these 3 personality traits are seeping into the design and copy of your web site?
- Insecurity
- Pride
- Anxiety
Web Copy Sabotage #1: Insecure people create timid sites
Most people are insecure in certain situations as they vary their image to gain the favour of others. Nothing kills web copy faster than trying to be a people pleaser. Insecure people create timid sites that try to be all things to all people. Instead of declaring, Read More......
Posted by
Arhan Efha
9:30 PM
An Excellent Technology for Improved Website
Search engine optimization offers different methods to optimize web pages. e-fuzion is one of the brightest organization under SEO Delhi. Now days search engine optimization is the hottest topic for the business entrepreneurs who want to launch their product online. Due to on page optimization and off-page optimization, web site gets top search engine ranking. Both methods of search engine optimization are good but off-page optimization is more powerful than other. SEO Delhi Company depends on different types of content, purpose and competition of websites. It is actually depends on proper use of keywords and key phrases can do good search engine optimization. Owners should use unique key words and key phrases to get high rank in search engine listings. They should use these key words at right places like in Meta tags, content area, title or H1 and H2 fields of each web page. In the web page you find different links which contains internal links as well as external links which makes your website attractive. SEO Delhi Company contains an essential tool to get benefits from website. And if we discuss about SEO Delhi Company is the only responsible organization, which brings genuine popularity in valiant web world. This is the perhaps the first and fore most crucial stage. SEO Delhi Company includes the right key words in the content of your web pages which will bring the targeted customers to your website.
Now days search engine optimization is the hottest topic for the trade entrepreneurs who want to build up their business throughout web site. Due to on
Posted by
Arhan Efha
12:54 PM
CASE STUDY: How Website Monitoring Saved an Online Auto Parts Retailer
PROBLEM: Customers complaining about site outages and slow site response times. Hosting company claiming that the problems had been resolved. Customers remaining dissatisfied.
METHODOLOGY: External website monitoring on a page-by-page basis at one-minute intervals pinpointed the problems.
SOLUTIONS: Realigning shared hosting, fixing database indexing, DNS server upgrade, altering the web host's BGP configuration and regular website monitoring.
Once seen as an alternative marketing channel, online shopping has carved its own niche in the marketplace. The online shopping sector has grown rapidly, outstripping other sectors and opening new business prospects. The factors contributing to the continuous growth of online shopping include wider product ranges, convenience, lower prices, and availability of clear product information. Recent large investments in e-commerce by companies large and small have further energized the sector and strengthened its roots.
This growth has not come easy. Although most shopping sites feel that they have rid themselves of persistent growing pains, some remain. A recent Andersen Consulting Services survey reveals that more than 25 percent of online shopping experiences fail during holiday seasons due to site outages. Another survey by the NDP Group reveals that up to 23 percent of online shoppers still experience temporary website outages, late shipments, and customer service issues.
Dotcom-Monitor website monitoring network specializes in ensuring performance and uptime in online transaction processes, including shopping carts, sign-ins, and form submission. By simulating end-use actions, Dotcom-Monitor.com verifies each step within a transaction, not only for proper content, but also for requested performance. If any test parameters fall outside of the specified range, responsible personnel are immediately notified.
One of Dotcom-Monitor
Posted by
Arhan Efha
4:29 AM
Sunday, March 27, 2011
How bad guys hack into websites using SQL Injection
SQL Injection is one of the most common security vulnerabilities on the web. Here I'll try to explain in detail this kind of vulnerabilities with examples of bugs in PHP and possible solutions.
If you are not so confident with programming languages and web technologies you may be wondering what SQL stay for. Well, it's an acronym for Structured Query Language (pronounced "sequel"). It's "de facto" the standard language to access and manipulate data in databases.
Nowadays most websites rely on a database (usually MySQL) to store and access data.
Our example will be a common login form. Internet surfers see those login forms every day, you put your username and password in and then the server checks the credentials you supplied. Ok, that's simple, but what happens exactly on the server when he checks your credentials?
The client (or user) sends to the server two strings, the username and the password.
Usually the server will have a database with a table where the user's data are stored. This table has at least two columns, one to store the username and one for the password. When the server receives the username and password strings he will query the database to see if the supplied credentials are valid. He will use an SQL statement for that that may look like this:
For those of you who are not familiar with the SQL language, in SQL the ' character is used as a delimiter for string variables. Here we use it to delimit the username and password strings supplied by the user.
In this example we see that the username and password supplied are inserted into the query between the ' and the entire query is then executed by the database engine. If the query returns any rows, then the supplied credentials are valid (that user exists in the database and has the password that was supplied).
Now, what happens if a user types a ' character into the username or password field? Well, by putting only a ' into the username field and living the password field blank, the query would become:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=''' AND password=''
This would trigger an error, since the database engine would consider the end of the string at the second ' and then it would trigger a parsing error at the third ' character. Let's now what would happen if we would send this input data:
Username: ' OR 'a'='a
Password: ' OR 'a'='a
The query would become
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='' OR 'a'='a' AND password='' OR 'a'='a'
Since a is always equal to a, this query will return all the rows from the table users and the server will "think" we supplied him with valid credentials and let as in - the SQL injection was successful :).
Now we are going to see some more advanced techniques.. My example will be based on a PHP and MySQL platform. In my MySQL database I created the following table:
username VARCHAR(128),
password VARCHAR(128),
email VARCHAR(128))
There's a single row in that table with data:
username: testuser
password: testing
email: testuser@testing.com
To check the credentials I made the following query in the PHP code:
$query="select username, password from users where username='".$user."' and password='".$pass."'";
The server is also configured to print out errors triggered by MySQL (this is useful for debugging, but should be avoided on a production server).
So, last time I showed you how SQL injection basically works. Now I'll show you how can we make more complex queries and how to use the MySQL error messages to get more information about the database structure.
Lets get started! So, if we put just an ' character in the username field we get an error message like
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '''' and password=''' at line 1
That's because the query became
select username, password from users where username=''' and password=''
What happens now if we try to put into the username field a string like ' or user='abc ?
The query becomes
select username, password from users where username='' or user='abc ' and password=''
And this give us the error message
Unknown column 'user' in 'where clause'
That's fine! Using these error messages we can guess the columns in the table. We can try to put in the username field ' or email=' and since we get no error message, we know that the email column exists in that table. If we know the email address of a user, we can now just try with ' or email='testuser@testing.com in both the username and password fields and our query becomes
select username, password from users where username='' or email='testuser@testing.com' and password='' or email='testuser@testing.com'
which is a valid query and if that email address exists in the table we will successfully login!
You can also use the error messages to guess the table name. Since in SQL you can use the table.column notation, you can try to put in the username field ' or user.test=' and you will see an error message like
Unknown table 'user' in where clause
Fine! Let's try with ' or users.test=' and we have
Unknown column 'users.test' in 'where clause'
so logically there's a table named users :).
Basically, if the server is configured to give out the error messages, you can use them to enumerate the database structure and then you may be able to use these informations in an attack.
Posted by
Arhan Efha
7:52 PM
Want Tips For Making Your Website User Friendly?
It is a no-contest issue that only a properly designed web site is the key to attract visitors and to make them keep coming back. Don
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Posted by
Arhan Efha
11:37 AM
Get A Free Google Friendly Website
Squidoo is a free website service. They provide you with a tag based webpage that you can use for just about whatever you choose. It can be a list of your grandmothers cooking recipes, a family tree website, a collection of pictures of your house pets or whatever you want. You just cannot post porn or hate related stuff of course.
The site is set up is such that many different areas of the squidoo site link back to your page via tags and other group links ect. The overall sitewide pagerank on squidoo actually helps each individual site's pagerank improve if the site content is kept fresh by it's owner. This creates good backlinks immediately upon publishing your first page or as they call it: a Lens. Squidoo pages are used for virtually anything. Some Squidoo pages are used for business opportunities and some are used to list grama's favorite recipes and anything in between.
Squidoo also puts Adsense ads on all lenses sitewide and splits the proceeds with the lens owner that the click came from! And remember this website site is free!
Squidoo also has pre-made modules for Amazon Ebay and others that you can add to your site and you can make money from those sales as well.
The site allows HTML in all fields of the setup process. You can see your Squidoo lens in Google within two weeks without even submitting it to a single search engine! And my site showed up in Google the second day after I made it! I just followed the prompts, and put in what I wanted to say and it was not complicated at all.
The site administrators at squidoo work hard to ensure this is a friendly community for everyone. This is very important and I must say, they do it very well.
In my case I created a site to sell products but you can use this site for almost anything. Long story short, you just cant go wrong with a Squidoo page so get yours free today! http://www.squidoo.com/raysgroup
Posted by
Arhan Efha
3:28 AM
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Ecommerce Websites - Howto Take Your Business Online
In the technological world full of changes from time to time, everything seems to undergo a transformation. For being a part of the web world, it is vital to keep pace with the varying trends and advancements. Information is required at every point and needs to be available at a click.
Gone are the days of dependence. With independence ushering in the workspace, it is necessary to have full control of the website too. Set the business free with an ecommerce website fully customized to the business needs and update whatever is required and desired as and when it happens.
For promoting the online sale of any product, it is essential to have a fully functional ecommerce website. An e-commerce website would provide the platform to sell and take payments online. It thus provides an opportunity to operate and grow any business online using internet.
Business organizations have now started establishing their own websites which enable them to come into direct contact with the customers easily. They can keep an established association with their clientele and prompt the sales of the product or service in a healthier manner. Any customer can visit or find his way to a website easily and in less time by just one click. A customized website will act as a bridge between the customers and the organization's objectives.
To reap the benefits of these features, it is must to have a perfect ecommerce design and content. Let us have an idea of what is required. Ecommerce web site is the concluding goal which leads the customers to buy products from the right place. Hence, the website design should be artistic and should not take the customer away from the central purpose of purchasing. All that needs to be done is to take care and devote appropriate time in applying these tips. Following are the points that should be considered while having a custom e-commerce website: Domain names and hosting The domain name is the actual website address and it should have hosting where the website is placed so that it becomes easily accessible to the customers. A well structured Buy path. The website should have a structured and definite path to persuade the customer to buy the product. Different web pages should be showcased along with the path direction. This content will make the website easily accessible for the customers.
Important product button The product button must be displayed on the home page. This will help target customer to buy products through the product page. The payment option should be displayed. It should help the customers to make payment for the product through their debit or credit card which makes their shopping easy.
Product information The product must be displayed properly with correct information about the customized website. The information must be enough to influence the thinking, choice and decision of the target audience in less amount of time. Product categories can be displayed along with its features and picture of the product. Business image defines the success of any image. A custom-made website provides an edge and the tool to refine and define the business and its key strengths amidst the target audience. It helps a business become exclusive and develop flexibility. The user friendliness and competitiveness offered by such a website calls for its need. For the diversity and a more refined personalized website, services of an expert can definitely make a difference. Custom e-commerce service providers ensure that a business reaches its peak through uniquely developed sophisticated website catering to specific client requirements.
Posted by
Arhan Efha
7:20 PM
How to Create a Website
If you have ever wanted to know how to create a website, you
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Posted by
Arhan Efha
11:10 AM
An Outfit To Endorse Website
Web Design Delhi is too decided to the theme of the website and freeze on the structure of the website. A website typically consists of text and images. The first page of a web site is known as the home page or index. Each web page with in a web site is an HTML file which has its own URL. After each web page is created, they are typically linked together after each page is created by Web Design Delhi; they are typically linked together using a navigation menu composed of hyper links.
Once a website is completed, it must be published or uploaded in order to be viewable to the public over the internet. This is done using an FTP client. Once published, the webmaster may use a variety of techniques to increase the traffic, or hits, that the website receives. This may include submitting the website to a search engine such as Google or Yahoo, exchanging links with other websites, creating affiliations with similar websites, etc. While designing a website the guidelines laid down by search engines should be followed. This will help in faster indexing of the website in search engines.
The Web Design Delhi just reaches out masses through search engines. While designing a web site, design aesthetics should be complemented with the guidelines laid down by the search engines. This will help you to have a website which is aesthetically appealing as well as search engine friendly. Olive e Business in New Delhi, India has over a decade experience in web site design and development. Web Design Delhi gives more information as comparing other web site. Delhi web Design is defined as the arrangement and creation of web Pages that in turn make-up a website.
Posted by
Arhan Efha
2:56 AM
Friday, March 25, 2011
Tips To Enhance Website Position
Most of the people looking for products and services on the net, hunt for websites via major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN. Optimizing your website for higher search engine positioning is to allure mass to drive towards your website that is the likely to be your prospective buyer. To generate considerable traffic to your website it requires higher positioning in initial pages of search engines.
Here, I have given some key tips to dip you in the technical aspects available on the net to assist how to optimize your website.
The Title: Whatever text you put in the title will reviewed in the reverse bar of browser when people view the web page. So, place suitable title according to your business and products.
Meta Tags: You might be aware of Meta tags or using this on your current website. We will talk on the description tag.
Description tag: Major search engines that support Meta tags will usually depict the description tag with the title in the results. Search engines many times hold entire Meta tag of the description field. The webmasters should keep in mind that that the description tags must be short to grab the attention of a user.
Keyword: You should research deeply before finalizing keywords, as it is the most important factor in website optimization. Each keyword Read More......
Posted by
Arhan Efha
6:24 PM
How Is iPod Download Websites?
iPod has soared in glorification and now the world's finest selling digital multimedia musician
thanks to its infancy in belated 2002. Millions of population are in possession of iPod now and this resulted to the birth of various iPod download websites all over the internet. It is important to distinguish the best iPod download websites for you to get the best contents for your iPod. These best iPod download websites benefit all iPod users giving them more options to get the best deals for their iPods in more reasonable price.
This dissertate selected the four peak iPod download websites in the internet today. These are the notably obvious and widely used iPod download websites now. Unlike particular download websites these sites don't have reminder or per download charge which works on anybody even on those who have a tight budget and still want to enjoy the latest craze and downloads for their iPods.
Services groove on MyiPodownloads, iPodBlender, FeedMyiPods and YouriPodMovies are the blessing download websites in the net today. You can never one's darnedest mean with these sites with stretched-out download goods for your iPod and it will only cost you a few bucks with one time payment and you can pack your iPod with everything you love from music, movies, videos, games, TV shows and even sports events.
The biggest and tremendously down pat blessing iPod download website is MyiPodownloads. Most if not all iPod users fell in salacity with this iPod Download Website. One item that brought approbation to this download website is the taking easy to use software that even beginners will find themselves downloading contents in minutes. Registration is easy and it will only take you 2 minutes to register. This is the number 1 recommended best iPod download website for iPod users with access to over 95,000,000 media files with excellent download speeds and easy iPod transfer with outstanding quality. It also includes free iPod converter software.
iPodblender is the top PSP download website and it converts non-iPod same hymn or movies interest iPod-compatible assembling succulent with charming DVD quality downloads. It provides an easy to follow step by step guide on downloading, searching, playing and burning your favorite movies, music and other downloadable contents. iPodBlender users will find a lot of free software to download. This is definitely one of the best iPod download websites today.
FeedMyiPods is new peak download website with it's elementary to navigate prospect interface and in rag you can have gate to colossal music, movies, TV shows, sports and a lot more. They have easy to follow tutorials and great 24 hour technical support. Excellent DVD quality and fast downloads.
The push on but not the head is YouriPodmovies which is one of the best iPod download websites today. You could download iPod like music, TV shows, sports, DVD cast movies and a syndicate more. You can stack up gold/platinum packs which enables you for unlimited downloads of software, games, music and a lot more or choose movie packs which gives you unlimited access to all DVD quality movies you want and you can also find brand new titles not yet released on DVD.
Indeed, these first iPod download websites knock around offers four gorgeous options that you can flip over anytime and anywhere. You can acquire the boon deals for your iPod with monster savings. Why spend too much when you can have access to these sites in affordable one time payment and enjoy unlimited downloads.
Posted by
Arhan Efha
9:35 AM
Tips To Improve Conversion Rates From Your Website
When you improve the conversion rate on your site, you raise the percentage of visitors to your site who become customers, purchasing your product or subscribing to your service. Raising conversion rates is, or should be, the goal of every ecommerce marketer or business owner.
The average conversion rate for ecommerce and subscription based sites is widely debated. Most say that it falls anywhere between 2% and 8%. Not very high, is it? Even the sites with the most targeted traffic can claim only 15% to 20%. And those numbers are great! So how do you go about turning your little .5% into a number with double digits?
You can try a hundred different gimmicks touted by marketing gurus and business experts to drive traffic to your site, but if you don't invest in some serious web analytics, you'll never know what's working and what isn't. So the first step to improving your conversion rate is to use web analytics to track your traffic. How many visit your site daily? How many leave immediately? Where did these visitors come from? How many are return visitors? With web analytics, you can track all of this information and upgrade your site, making changes in advertising and content to improve your rate of conversion.
Tracking information isn't a one time thing. Consistently measuring the effectiveness of your site is essential to keeping up with changes in the marketplace and consumer interest.
For example, one thing you can consistently do to improve your conversion rate is to include your business contact information and a link for emailed questions on every page of your site. This way, your customers don't have to waste time surfing through your site when they have a question. They can ask it immediately, before they forget or get bored looking and move onto the next site.
Another way to improve your conversion rate is to make sure that your site is easy to navigate. Are there any pages that have a much lower visitor count than others on your site? Is it because the links that are bringing them there are inappropriately placed? Is the content as compelling as it could be? Or is it that your visitors simply can't find it very easily?
Improving your conversion rate may be as simple as making sure that your site is accessible to everyone, even those who don't reach your site through Windows XP or an Internet Explorer browser. Upgrading your technology so that it works for anyone who would like to visit could help your conversion rate immensely.
Those who work in a popular field or industry, providing a service or industry that is offered by many businesses, will also have a problem with their conversion rate. Why should customers choose you over your competition? Just like in the world of brick and mortar shops, this too applies to online ecommerce. You have to make yourself stand out. How is what you offer different from everyone else? What is your niche in the industry? Offering lower prices isn't enough. There must be something special that you have that no one else does. This will not only bring new visitors to your site but help convert the ones you have into customers.
Next, what do your customers need (besides your product or service)? The knowledge to make the right decisions about their purchase. If you offer them that knowledge in the form of informative articles and content on your site, then you become a valued resource as well as an e-tailer. Bookmarking your site for the information you have to offer is one way to make a one time visitor into a next time customer and therefore make your conversion rate percentage rise.
Posted by
Arhan Efha
1:14 AM
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Thematic Website Optimization - Surpass Your Page Rank Limitation And Acquire Top SERP
Groundbreaking "Thematic Website Optimization Technique" will elude Google page ranking criteria on search engine organic search algorithm. Wait no longer to get your website rank high in major search engines. Get the ultimate top SERP for your keywords
Conventional website optimization techniques have not been effective in surpassing page ranking limitation that prevents low page ranking sites to get better SERP even for low volume keywords. Thematic Search Optimization was introduced by Frederrick Abrugart, director of Search Marketing Sales Ltd, a certified SEO firm based in Australia.
Thematic optimization is a unique search engine optimization technique that uses the combination of keyword analysis with linguistic theme approach; organic optimization with keyword-link strategy. This cutting-edge website optimization will optimize a website inside-out giving search engine robots extremely strong signal of keyword relevance hence giving the best search engine result placement.
Linguistic theme approach is the method to create keyword listings that self-support with each other hence giving an overview of keyword theme on a particular URL. Conventional keyword analysis tends to create keyword listings based only on search volume. Keyword-linking process refers to the application of keyword theme and "site framework" optimization to develop a keyword-rich and keyword-linking relevance signal to search engine bots when the URL or domain is crawled. Thematic optimization will produce a fully optimized URL irregardless whether the search engine bots crawl the page from top-bottom or top link depth to deepest link depth. Sites optimized using thematic optimization technique will deliver best highest SERP. PERIOD.
As Frederrick pointed out, "Thematic optimization will allow sites of lower page rank to get the better of higher page ranking sites for a given keyword. Inbound links still play a critical factor in deciding a website SERP for a given keyword. However, thematic optimization will out-stretch and outdo a website current page ranking potential giving its highest organic search result possible".
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Arhan Efha
5:13 PM
Top 25 SEO Myths You Should Know Before Optimising Website
You might think you already know everything about search engine optimisation process. Well, think again. Some of the things you know may just be myths. There are several SEO myths that webmasters and search engine optimisers still fail to recognise. What are the SEO myths? Here are the top 25:
1. Search engine optimisation can be performed just by anyone.
2. SEO is only for those websites who sell products online.
3. SEO companies can give their clients a guaranteed top ranking position.
4. SEO gives an overnight result. You can optimise a website today and expect it rank high tomorrow.
5. Build more links irregardless of the quality.
6. It is fine to copy content from other websites and paste it on your own website.
7. There is no need for you to write unique content for your website since you can just syndicate articles from directories.
8. There is no need for further work after you have optimised your website.
9. Search engine ranking is all that matters.
10. The more links the better, quantity matters and not quality.
11. There is no need for a website to be submitted to web directories.
12. A website doesn
Posted by
Arhan Efha
8:49 AM
How affordable websites can make you money
- Do you have a website that doesn't bring you any business?
- Are you worried about investing more money in a website that isn't performing?
Well here is some good news: affordable websites can make you money!
There's a myth circulating that you have to invest a fortune to make money through the web. Of course the likes of Amazon and eBay have thrown cash at their websites and are reaping the rewards, but I'm not talking about companies of that size. Budget websites can also generate income with the right approach.
The great thing about doing business online is that you can keep your overheads low. No need for expensive shop fronts, offices, printed brochures or a large workforce. Ideal for the small business without endless capital resources.
It is perfectly possible to do business via the web and make a tidy profit using a modest website on a small budget, providing you follow some basic rules regarding content and structure, and concentrate on converting visitors into sales.
I read a fascinating article last week, by Michael L. McGrath of MLM Celtic Enterprises, which successfully articulated some similar ideas that I have been talking to my clients about recently:
"Every web site has a Most Desired Response, that which the the site owner wants the visitor to do while visiting, and that MDR needs to be identified. The site's design and content need to be crafted tightly and well around the MDR, identify it with absolute clarity, and remove all obstacles that might prevent a visitor from the response."
That - in a nutshell - is the key to a successful, profitable website, and it need not cost the earth!
It's amazing how many start-ups fail to grasp this idea, and then complain that their website fails to bring them any business. Imagine that. If you follow a few basic rules, you can produce websites that actually bring you business.
Concentrate on the following:
- identifying your Most Desired Response
- identifying your target audience
- structuring your site and preparing content, based on your MDR and your target audience.
Identify your site's Most Desired Response
Rather than thinking about how you would like your site to perform, think about how you would like your customers to behave. There's a subtle but crucial difference.
More often than not, your MDR will be a visitor buying your product or service. By the way, if you want to take online credit/debit card transactions, you can use PayPal, which is quick and easy to set up. All you need is a bank account to get started.
But your Most Desired Response doesn't have to involve an online transaction. Very often an MDR will be making a phone call, making contact via email, or simply registering personal or business details.
Be sure of your target audience
Successful small businesses identify and corner niche markets, rather than attempt to take on the world! This is doubly important for online marketing, because you will want to avoid competitive keywords when preparing your content for the search engines.
Structure your site and prepare your content
Once you have established your MDR and identified your Target Market, you can begin to structure your site. The structure and content of your site should serve exclusively to trigger the Most Desired Response from your Target Market. Anything which does not fulfill this criterion is superfluous and should be discarded. Be ruthless about this. Avoid building in gimmicks to your
site, which only serve to distract your visitors from the MDR.
I recommend drawing a flow chart which maps your visitors' journey beginning with the keywords they enter into Google, and tracking their movement through your site to the holy grail - the Most Desired Response.
When preparing your content, you will need to bear two things in mind. Firstly, it has to comply with the MDR. Avoid superfluous waffle, and make sure everything you say is leading your visitor towards that all important conversion. Secondly, you will need to make sure that your content attracts your target audience to the site in the first place - via the search engines. Start by identifying the right keywords - or more accurately keyphrases - and then ensure that they feature in your content.
In the online world, niche markets take on an even more important role, when you come to choose keywords. The big boys will have the generic keywords sewn up already, and those keywords won't bring you targeted traffic anyway. If you can concentrate on a specialist or localised market so
much the better. You will stand a far better chance of driving targeted traffic to your site and generating hot leads. Of course you need to make sure that your keywords are not so specialised that none of your potential customers are using them. It's a fine balancing act. Nichebot offers a useful tool for working out the most productive keywords.
So you see, none of this is going to cost you the earth. A great deal of thinking and research (I never said it was easy!), but not a great deal of money. Quite the reverse: if you follow the rules, you will soon be making money. Read More......
Posted by
Arhan Efha
12:39 AM
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Search Engines... What They LOVE and HOW-TO Get Them To Come CRAWL Your Website
Search Engines... one of the MOST tricky marketing tactics of them all online simply because the SE's are forever changing the rules of Website Optimization.
Meaning... what used to work "Yesterday" might not work "Today".
Now, with that said, for the remainder of this article I want to let you in on what SE's 'LOVE' and will thank you for everytime you hand them over some.
It's really not much of a mystery to those of you who have been marketing online for some time But for those of you who haven't this is something you should seriously consider getting into for more reasons than ONE.
OKAY. Enough of the small talk. I'm going to dive straight in and get to the point Right Now on what SE's 'LOVE' and it's simply...
That's right, "Content" is what SE's 'LOVE' and are continually crawling the Internet for Day and Night 24/7/365 and will gladly pay your website a visit if you supply it on a Daily, Weekly or Monthly basis.
The more often you supply "Content" and post it on your website the more often SE spiders will come CRAWL and "index" your website pages.
The question is... "do you write Articles?"
If you don't, maybe you might want to consider it.
Now that you know what SE's 'LOVE', your probably wondering what the BEST way is to get the SE spiders attention to get them to come on over and CRAWL your website.
Well, first off I would recommend you submitting your Articles(whether you have some already or plan on starting) to 'Article Directories' simply because SE spiders are constantly CRAWLING these websites since they are SO full of content and are updated usually on a daily basis.
You can find them by simply typing in "article directories" into your favorite search engine's search field.
The other great thing about 'Article Directories' is they usually have HIGH 'PR'(Popularity Ranking) which is another KEY thing SE's take into consideration which means once you've posted your articles on that directory or directories, the spiders will eventually 'Find' your article, crawl that page within that Article Directory and follow the corresponding links within your "Resource Box" back to your website.
The more article directories you post to, the more chances you'll have at getting some SE spider activity on your website, crawling and indexing your webpages.
This is just ONE of the ways to get SE spiders to come visit your website and only ONE reason WHY you should submit your Articles to 'Article Directories' but that's another article within itself.
For the remainder of this article I'm going to share with you a way to get SE spiders to come visit your website within the next 24 to 48 hours to have a look around.
Are you ready?
Blogs are simply the Fastest WAY to get the SE spiders attention to come and take a look simply because Blogs contain "Content" in the form of "Articles" and/or "Reviews or just general feedback from your readership.
The more often you post to your Blog the more often SE spiders will come visit.
The reason IS... everytime you post to your Blog it'll PING(Ping is simply a signal being sent out telling the SE that there's NEW content to come and index at your Blog) ...the SE's(Not all of them) ...to come take a look.
When they come visit, they'll spider your Blog and will follow all corresponding links within.
Remember the "Resource Box" located at the end of a article(you can use mine as an example) with all the authors website information and URL. This will come in handy so make sure You carefully think about what you put their with your articles.
Now, with that said, I wrote an earlier article explaining how to set-up a Blog to get Yahoo! and MSN to come visit. It's really quite simple, so don't worry yourself to much about it being difficult.
All you need to really focus on is supplying the "Content".
Here's the link if you wish to read the article:
I also wrote another article explaining what Blogs are for those of you who aren't very familiar with them yet.
Here's the link if you wish to read the article:
Now, there are many other ways to get SE spiders to come visit your website but these two methods I mentioned above are in my mind the quickest.
So, there you have it, "Search Engines... What They LOVE and HOW-TO Get Them To Come CRAWL Your Website", so go NOW and give it a try.
Posted by
Arhan Efha
4:06 PM
Recipe Website Claims To Expose Top Secret Restaurant Recipes
According to Ron Douglas, author of 'America's Most Wanted Recipes,' the average American family dines out at an average of three times each week. Depending on the number of people in a family, the choice of food ordered and the selected restaurant, this casual dining experience can quickly become a very expensive indulgence.
In an effort to solve the cost factor associated with dining out, some families are searching for a way to recreate their favorite famous restaurant recipes in the comfort of their own home. The problem is, however, that these top secret restaurant recipes were never easily found and may have taken years to perfect using the trial-and-error method. There is a new recipe website that is now attempting to convince customers that their famous restaurant recipes no longer have to be a secret. In fact, perhaps secret restaurant recipes, aren't so secretive anymore.
Ron Douglas claims to have taken secret restaurant recipes and compiled them into a new book called 'America's Most Wanted Recipes.' Among the restaurant secret recipes that he provides include select entrees and desserts from Applebee's, popular Burger King menu items, Chili's spicy creations and even the cool taste of the Dairy Queen blizzard. In addition, top secret restaurant recipes from the Hard Rock Caf
Posted by
Arhan Efha
8:03 AM
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Cleaning Tips - Their Usefulness To Website Visitors And The Cleaning Company
If you type into the search engines the phrase "cleaning tips" you get a choice of something like 14,800,000 websites to choose from and many of those websites will redirect you to scores of other websites. There are specific sites that are dedicated to giving hints, advice and tips on a variety of topics with seemingly no vested interest. Many of these tips are useful. However many cleaning companies include on their websites a cleaning tips page. I would argue that many of these are useless both to the visitor and to the company.
Why do they do it? To attract more visitors to their site? To gain more customers? The purpose of the website is to provide information to potential customers on the services and products the business provides. Every visitor should be a potential customer. If a visitor leaves without making an enquiry then you have to improve the website and or the services you provide. Or you are not using the right keywords so are attracting people in by default. It is not really your type of services that the person actually wants. No matter what you do you will always attract a certain number of these. What you actually require is lots of high quality visitors. The best way of achieving this is to provide the surfer with as much high quality content as you can whilst still accurately describing your own companies products and services accurately. Good content will go down well with the search engines and raise your profile on them, which in turn should drive quality visitors to your site. Hence improving sales.
This is the whole purpose of the website. For businesses it is purely a marketing tool and another method of gaining customers. So how do cleaning companies produce lots of high quality content? Many go for "frequently asked questions" which is quite a legitimate way of producing content whilst informing potential customers of things they are likely to want to know about you and your products and services. So we come to the "cleaning tips". A little research has demonstrated to me that well over half the cleaning companies with visible websites have at least a page on cleaning tips and some have multiple pages divided up into different categories. Try reading through these sometime. Carpet cleaning companies are the biggest users of these types of pages. How useful are they? Some of the tips provided by these carpet firms are quite useful, but the general cleaning companies leave a lot to be desired. Their cleaning tips are akin to those you might see on the TV reality programmes about cleaning. For example "make a paste with baking soda and vinegar and smear over your taps; wrap cling film around and leave over night. Scrape off in the morning." It may work but why would anybody want to do that when two minutes using phosphoric acid with the minimal of effort would achieve much better results? Do the cleaning companies themselves make use of any of these tips? You can bet your life that very few do. The object is to get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible so for each job you choose the most effective and efficient cleaning product available. So why do they have these pages? They attract people who are not likely to be turned into customers because they are looking for ways to do it themselves. So it can only be for the purposes of attracting any visitor type. It is content and content about cleaning but very few companies are going to give away their actual methods of doing something quickly and efficiently which would be beneficial to the visitor instead they perpetuate old style cleaning methods which bear no resemblance to the modern world.
So for the web browser I would suggest that if you are looking for cleaning tips look elsewhere than at those provided by cleaning companies except possibly the carpet-cleaning firms. If you are a cleaning company looking to increase your content on your website look elsewhere than at providing a "cleaning tips" page. You can produce better and more relevant content than that unless you are prepared to give away your trade secrets!
Posted by
Arhan Efha
11:25 PM
The Latitude at Free Dating Websites
I want to start this off by thanking myself for joining a free dating website. I spent so much time going to bars and clubs with my friends hoping some guy would come pick me up. I am grateful that I spent all of that time in the bar though, it taught me one thing; what type man I should stay away from!
Bars are full of creepers, you never know who
Posted by
Arhan Efha
2:46 PM
Free Online Video Websites That Aren
Are you an avid online shopper? If so, there is a good chance that you have come across a number of different deals and discounts online. Similar to those deals and discounts is the ability to obtain something online without paying a fee, those items, products, or services are commonly known as being free. Unfortunately, you will find that when it comes to being free, not all free things are actually free. One of those things is online video websites, not all of them are as free as you would think they would be http://www.bestie7.info
Before examining online video websites that are classified as being free, you first must understand that you may have to pay a small fee to view their online videos. Most of the sites that are labeled free online video websites are free to join. Essentially, this means that you do not have to be considered a paid member just to join the site. By creating a free membership program, there are many online websites, including online video websites, that are able to claim that they operate and run a free program.
With most online video websites, you fill find a wide variety of free videos. These types of videos have been found on almost all types of video websites. Free videos are, in most cases, considered homemade videos. Homemade videos are made by internet users, just like you, who have little or no experience creating professional videos. Many of the free, homemade videos that you can find online include comedy skits, unprofessionally constructed music videos, how-to videos, and funny, but unscripted recordings.
The video types that you may have to pay for include popular television show reruns, professional music videos, celebrity interviews, children
Posted by
Arhan Efha
6:20 AM
Monday, March 21, 2011
Top 10 Affiliate Website Mistakes an Affiliate Manager Sees
With over 12,000 affiliates to manage in 5 separate merchants programs, I review countless affiliate applications and their corresponding websites.
It isn
Posted by
Arhan Efha
9:32 PM
Using Free Content On Your Website
If you are looking to improve your rankings on the search engines then consider finding free content to add to your website. Good quality free content can help to optimize your website for search engines. Search engines are becoming more and more particular about site rankings, and looking for viable, real content. A content rich site will have a higher search engine ranking and page rank than one with minimal content. Also, your site will have more appeal to visitors and a better likelihood of providing good advertising revenue if you provide quality information and content.
Add relevant content to your site as it provides your users with interesting information and saves them leaving your site. Ample content will help ensure that your site visitors will stay, browse, and come back again and again. If you use advertising to bring in site revenue, having plenty of content will encourage your site visitors to spend more time on the site, and increase the likelihood of successful click through advertising on your site. Also, update your content frequently to help your site develop a pattern of regular repeat traffic.
Larger sites provide more instances of keyword rich phrases for visitors to come across whilst browsing than smaller sites. Good keyword saturation is another important search engine optimization tool. When search engines spider sites, they read keywords, and the more your desired keywords appear in your site, the better your overall search engine rankings. Think carefully about your desired keywords and work your site to optimize those words. While keyword rich text is a helpful search engine optimization tool, it is also critical that you make your content interesting, readable, and useful to your site visitors.
There are plenty of sites which offer free to re-use content such as Ezine articles and Article Alley. When searching out content for your site, look carefully at any requirements for use, and be certain that your site meets those requirements. Copyright infringement is a significant issue in the online community, and designing your site to respect international copyrights is critical. Content is free to use provided a link back is offered in return on many sites, and these sites are an excellent resource for any web site owner. Do read the articles you choose to add to your site, and see that they meet your needs, both in terms of content and keywords.
Alternatively you might add an RSS feed reader to your site and utilise a RSS feed. An RSS feed, which stands for
Posted by
Arhan Efha
1:14 PM