Lets face it.Starting a new website with the hope of achieving a large amount of targeted visitors is a very difficult task. This is mainly due to the fact that one has to go about doing link building in order to gain higher page ranks, which will ultimately result in better search engine rankings, and finally more targeted traffic.Link building is an essential part of website optimisation.Building backlinks to obtain a higher ranking in search engines can be a tedious task if you do not have the knowledge.This however,is only one of the many important components of a successful website.
Other factors include relevant page content, correct optimisation of your meta tags,linking with other websites in the same niche and most importantly, your keywords used.Most people are unfortunately unaware of these important factors which are essential for a websites success.When I started my first commercial based website I was unaware of the many important Search Engine Optimisation techniques mentioned above, and as a result my websites never took off.Only after a while did I realise things such as the importance of linking to other websites in my niche. But how time consuming it was having to search for hours trying to find the right place with little or no luck.
Now there are many software programs out there which claim to help people in search engine optimisation.The question is which one to choose.Factors you should look at include the ability to analyze your competitors' sites, search term popularity of those sites and keywords, how many back links competitors have,keyword analysis as well as where those websites link to.In my experience the answer to all these questions comes from a highly effective program called "Traffic Travis".For those of you who are serious about SEO, this is the one for you.For more information on this program please check out my homepage below.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Top Website Optimisation Software Review
Posted by
Arhan Efha
6:05 PM
Free Website Hosting Vs. Paid Website Hosting Basics
Web site hosting service companies on the Internet permit the user to make their web site accessible through the World Wide Web. There are huge numbers of companies that offer web space on their server for their customers and also offer Internet connectivity in general in a data center. There can be various types of web site hosting companies. The main classification is the free web site hosting and the paid web site hosting service companies.
In case of free web site hosting, the user has the right to upload his or her web site content on the server space that is provided by the web site hosting company without any cost. This type of web site hosting service is great for people who are new to to internet and plan to get familiar with web site creation and functionality of web servers. On the other hand, to get your web site uploaded on a web space that is provided by a paid web site hosting company, you need to pay the company periodic fees. The fee amount may vary from company to company. The paid web site hosting companies are best suited for professional web site owners. People who need large web space to upload their web sites and who expect a certain amount of web site visitors which is restricted on free hosting accounts to a minimum.
The revenue that the paid web hosting service companies get is through the fee that is paid to the company by the web site owners. In case of free web site hosting companies, the main source of income are the ads and banners that can be placed on their clients web pages.
The main advantage of using a free web site hosting service is that they are free of cost and hence make a perfect choice for people who are new into the business and are just looking to start out. They are perfect for people who just want to display a minimum content on the World Wide Web in small amount of web space. The other advantage of using the free web site hosting service is that most of these companies provide integrated, easy tools to upload the pages on to the hosting account. They do this realizing the fact that the free web site hosting services are generally utilized by the newbies.
There are also certain disadvantages of using the free web site hosting services. When using the free web site hosting service, you are forced to place the ads and banners by the web site hosting company on your web pages. Also the revenue that is obtained by the ads goes to the web site company. In case of paid web site hosting service, ads and banners placed on your web site are according to your will and the revenue of the banners and ads placed on your web site goes in your pocket. Also in some case of free web site hosting, the domain name of your web site starts with the web site hosting company name followed by your web site name. This is not the case of paid web site hosting service. You get a unique web site domain. The web space provided by free web site hosting service is limited whereas in case of paid web site hosting service you can buy the web space according to your requirements.
Posted by
Arhan Efha
10:01 AM
Why webmasters should add free games to their websites
Thousands of websites now offer free flash games that webmasters can add to their websites. Many website owners pass up a great opportunity with these games, not understanding their potential.
If you, for example, are creating an informational site aimed at teenagers, you
Posted by
Arhan Efha
1:55 AM
Monday, April 4, 2011
Website Copywriter Tips: Write Web Copy for People not Technology
Every website copywriter faces a trap
Read More......
Posted by
Arhan Efha
5:03 PM
Top 3 Tips researched to get your website on the Top
Tip 1: Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization or SEO is either taken very lightly or taken so consciously that the results are undesirable. Give around 30% of your time to understand what exactly is your business requirements or on what products/services would you get more business. What exactly are you planning to target and what is your Audience? Conduct a market analysis of it and filter our 10 key phrases that best suit your business. If your website is fresh and /or you have just started with your online business, target light-weight (less-researched) key phrases. Go for targeting more of long-tailed key-phrases rather than single key-words. Give proper Title and Meta, appropriate Alt tags. Check your content in relative to your Meta you have kept and see that your page gets easily downloaded.
Tip 2: Link Building
Once you are done with On-page optimization, put your best of efforts to gain as much inbound links you can. There are multiple ways that you can work on to achieve a golden value for your website. At the outset, submit your website URL to 100+ Search Engines and 500+ Quality online directories that give you quality link-backs. Write good relevant articles and submit them into quality Article sites. You may also submit your Press-notes into quality Press-release directories. Put your Ads into free classified directories. You may also go for link-exchange campaigns but Google has stopped giving much weightage to these links.
Tip 3: Social Media
Make a list of quality social networking sites where in you can go and bookmark your important web-pages into these social sites. You may also create your blogs (relevant to your services), post good content on these and make them more interactive for more visitors to visit them. One such good social marketing is posting comments into good blogs or forums and thereby creating a rich link-base. You are sure to get high traction through social media marketing. It may go as high as getting 2000 hits in just 5 days on one single comment posted with a link to our website. It really makes a lot of difference!
Buyers rely heavily upon search and social media for researching products and services.
It is therefore critical that you not only have relevant and detailed content on your website, but you must be showing up where they are searching for you. To do so you must undertake an integrated and comprehensive search and social media marketing effort.
For more information on these and how to rank your website on the top SERPs or if you want us to get your website rank on the top of SERPs, contact us on 201-777-2366 or email your details at kj@semaphore-software.com.
Posted by
Arhan Efha
8:37 AM
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Free Annual Credit Reports - Strategies to Avoid Imposter Websites
In a 2004 amendment to The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), a new system providing free credit reports was initiated. The amendment requires each of the three national Credit Reporting Agencies (CRAs), Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian, to provide free copies of an individual's credit report once every 12 months. The free reports require a request to be submitted to a centralized office, in accordance with procedures defined by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC is charged with consumer protection and ensuring compliance to the FCRA from the Credit Reporting Agencies.
The amendment was undertaken as a way to help individuals access the information contained in their credit reports. Prior to the amendment, credit reporting agencies were able to charge individuals for every copy of their credit report that they requested. Only under specific circumstances, such as searching for employment, were credit reports provided free of charge. This undermined fair access for individual's to access information about them
collected by the CRAs.
Understanding what information is in your credit report is important. Only then can you ensure that the information being reported about you is accurate and up to date. Your credit report impacts your life in many ways, from the ability to obtain credit to the amount of money you will pay for that credit.
Fair access to such important information is critical. The unfortunate reality is that reporting mistakes do happen. Any errors or misinformation contained on a credit report can have a tremendous impact on a person's financial wellbeing, job prospects, and housing prospects.
The amendment mandated the three CRAs to implement a centralized website, toll free number, and mailing address as methods individuals may use to request their free credit reports. Although the centralized website was implemented as a way to offer consumers a quick and easy way to request their reports, it has come under severe criticism by various consumer
protection groups.
There are problems that plague the centralized website annualcreditreport.com. Some of these problems are related to difficulties inherent with the Internet and search engines. Others, some groups claim, are the result of poor planning and implementation on the part of the three Credit Reporting Agencies.
Many of the consumer protection groups, including the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, urge consumers who are unfamiliar with the Internet to avoid using the centralized website to order their free credit reports. They further encourage those who choose to use the website to beware of a number of potential pitfalls the internet, and the website itself, present.
The first problem has to do with the Internet itself. The three Credit Reporting Agencies purchased the website address (also called a URL (uniform resource locator) or domain name) annualcreditreport.com. It is common for unscrupulous webmasters to purchase domain names similar to others, with the goal of intercepting customers or consumers who search for the genuine website. These webmasters purchase domain names very similar to the real domain, and unsuspecting consumers mistakenly believe they've reached the correct website. These consumers are then redirected to paying sites, have their personal information collected without their knowledge, or signed up for services they don't want or need. In this way, unscrupulous webmasters make money.
The FTC calls these websites 'imposter' websites.
Unfortunately, consumer groups and the FTC have reported that some Credit Reporting Agencies are linked to some of these imposter websites. Recently, the FTC filed and settled a lawsuit against a subsidiary of one of the Credit Reporting Agencies. The lawsuit alleged "deceptive and misleading" claims on the subsidiary's website. This website was advertising free credit reports, and then automatically signing up consumers to a credit monitoring system that
charged a fee if not cancelled by the unsuspecting consumer. In addition, the website was collecting personal information about the consumer.
The World Privacy Forum reports that over 100 domain names with close misspellings of annualcreditreport have been purchased. Many of these have been purchased by the Credit Reporting Agencies themselves. In some cases, these websites lead consumers to websites that demand payment for services, and others lead consumers to the Credit Reporting Agencies websites themselves, where they are charged for copies of their credit reports. The second of these is largely the result of the CRA's affiliate marketing programs, whereby the CRA pays a website for a referral.
The second problem with the centralized website lies in its implementation. Initially, the website was set up so that only the 3 CRAs and the FTC were able to provide a live web link to annualcreditreport.com. This prevented other legitimate websites, such as news and consumer group websites, from offering a live link on their website. In response to these concerns raised by Privacyrights.org, this situation has changed. The change is welcome, as
consumer groups correctly pointed out that the initial web link block only served to make it easier for rogue websites to redirect consumers to illegitimate websites.
There are two ways to find these imposter websites. One is to perform a search in any search engine, which results in a display of many websites. Clicking on anything but the genuine website can land a consumer on an imposter website. The other is by incorrectly typing the genuine website address into the address bar of a web browser. Many of these unofficial
websites contain small typographical errors, designed to lure in just such a web surfer.
Avoiding Imposter Websites
Many consumer groups, including World Privacy Watch, urge consumers to avoid potential imposter sites by avoiding the internet altogether. Instead of ordering free credit reports online, use the toll free number or regular mail.
The toll free telephone number is 1-877-322-8228. The mailing address is Annual Credit Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281. If ordering by mail, a form must be completed and can be found on the FTC's website.
Those consumers wanting to order online are urged to:
1) Ensure that they are using the genuine website. The only website address is annualcreditreport.com.
2) If the website you reach features a pop up, advertises itself on television or radio, or redirects you to a different site, know it is not the genuine website. Your credit card number is not required information, and you are not required to purchase or pay for any additional services. The genuine website will not send you any emails.
3) Understand that you are required to provide only certain personal information, including your name, address, social security number, and date of birth. If you have had a change of address in the past 2 years, your old address may be requested. In addition, you may be asked about a personal financial detail that only you would know. This is to prevent anyone else accessing your credit report.
Access to free annual credit reports is a welcome change to the laws governing credit reports and protecting consumer's rights. Every citizen should take advantage of this free service to ensure that the information being reported about them on their credit reports is accurate and up to date. As with any other service, consumers need to be aware of the potential danger that lurks behind the scenes by imposter websites and unscrupulous
Posted by
Arhan Efha
11:52 PM
Little Change That Gave My Website 1st Page In Google, Yahoo, Msn, Aol And Other Top Search Engines.
Today even 6 year old kids know that content is the king of Internet. If you have good and relevant content, search engines will find your site faster, people will visit this site more often, and you will be enjoying targeted traffic.
The most popular strategy to get a wider publicity for your web site content is article submission. Perhaps you already tried this. If not, go to any search engine and submit keyword 'article' or 'article submission', and you will see tons of pages dedicated to articles and their submission.
Like many others, I also tried article submission for my web site, and was effective. But under the harsh article flood on the market today, it is not that easy to get your web site to the top of search engines. I already started to feel blue about article submission, and then it struck my mind...
I can use anchor text with my keywords in the submitted articles!
I tried it, and now I am on the 1st page in Google with over 71,600,000 competing pages!!
For those who do not know what is anchor text I will give a brief explanation.
If you put web site URL in the text, this URL will be clickable. This means when your point mouse to this URL, you can click it and get forwarded to the site page indicated in URL. Perhaps you noticed that sometimes you can see a simple text which is linked to a special URL. The text does not have any http://... in its body, but when you point your mouse to this text, you see that it's linked to URL. Clicking on this text will get you to the page indicated in the URL to which this text is linked.
So, anchor text is a simple text that is linked to URL with the help of HTML code. In other words, anchor text is hyperlinked text.
Anchor text isn't new to Internet marketing at all, and I was really amazed why changing simple http://... in my articles to anchor text got me to the Google top. After asking some questions on Internet marketing forums I got the explanation.
Today most of the search engines count heavily towards ranking of your web site using anchor text. If you use the keyword or keyphrase of your web site as the anchor text and link this text to your web site URL, search engines will gulp this info faster and will rank you higher on this keyword/keyphrase. And now imagine that you have submitted your article with proper anchor text and URL to some article engines - they will distribute it worldwide. You will get hundreds of pages where the anchor text will be increasing your rank for any keyword you put in this anchor text.
In my case, I had many articles that were already submitted to article directories. These articles got indexed by Google, having some PR. I just changed the info in article resource box, i.e. put anchor text instead of simple http://... You see: one little change gave me lots of pages with PR that had my keyword and my URL! Within few days I got on the 1st page in Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, AllTheWeb and AltaVista for my keyword.
It worked for me, it will work for you too.
Surely there are more tiny tips how to squeeze more from anchor text, but disclosing everything in one article isn't smart. Search on this topic, and you will find many useful things to get ranked higher with anchor text strategies.
Posted by
Arhan Efha
2:53 PM